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I am, We are


The Issues


David’s Fight for Equality of Opportunities

David's belief in Equality of Opportunities has powered his service and is at the heart of his campaign. It was with him when he was helping Katrina evacuees resettle. It was there when he was creating educational exchanges and economic opportunities during his work at the Houston Mayor's Office of International Affairs and Development. It inspired David while he was fighting for improved care and rehabilitation for service members and veterans, and while advocating for veterans and disabled in the Capitol. David's policy is founded on achieving the goal he's worked his entire life for: Equality of Opportunities.

On Affordable Housing


Physical therapy at Craig Hospital and access to the amazing adaptive sports programs that only the Colorado Rockies can provide gave David his life back after his helicopter crash. After growing up an Air Force brat and an Army Aviator, Rep Ortiz knew that Colorado would be the place he would finally be able to choose to call a permanent home. 

When David bought his first house, housing opportunities were relatively affordable and accessible. If he were to try and settle in his beloved community of Littleton now, he would not be able to afford the available housing opportunities. Providing a variety of opportunities for affordable/accessible housing is essential to ensuring we can continue to attract young professionals, new families, and allow our wise elders to age in place. 

At the State Capitol, David helped pass Senate Bill 159 – the Revolving Loan Fund, which invests $150 million in affordable housing projects across Colorado. Working across the aisle, Rep Ortiz and all legislators also worked tirelessly to invest $550 million from ARPA funds on making housing affordable in Colorado.

On Education


Our children deserve to learn in a safe and robustly funded environment. Our teachers should earn a wage that allows them to live in the communities they teach in. Our young adults, especially those fighting to keep our community safe, should not be saddled with crushing student loans simply for wanting to work hard to better their lives.

David knows that education can be the great equalizer. Public education is what allowed his family to go from being sharecroppers and migrants to teachers, pilots, nurses, entrepreneurs, nonprofit managers to elected leaders. David will work tirelessly and build coalitions around bold and creative funding ideas that will provide a safe and equitable learning environment for our children and young adults without overburdening our taxpayers. 

In his first term, David helped our students and schools by

On Criminal Justice and Crime Prevention


Rep. David Ortiz has done the work and will continue to ensure that every Coloradan can live a life free from fear. In order to fight crime and promote real justice, Rep Ortiz knows we have to balance giving law enforcement more tools to be effective and providing resources to our people to prevent crime where it starts, which he did by supporting the Fentanyl law and legislation that will fight against catalytic converter theft

The Fentanyl bill balances giving law enforcement and prosecutors more tools to go after dealers and distributors of fentanyl and other drugs with fentanyl in them, while also ensuring we secure significant funding to treat those that are battling addiction.  The Anti-theft of Catalytic Converter Law will ensure that those that purchase catalytic converters second hand track who they purchased them from and ensure that the individual selling is not selling stolen products. This bill gives real tools to law enforcement to track and stop those attempting to steal and sell, and it deters with harsher punishments for those that commit these thefts.

Rep Ortiz also believes we need to strengthen the trust and bond between law enforcement and the community. We do that through ensuring transparency and accountability for our officers. We can support our law enforcement by providing funding and grants for partner organizations that might be better suited to handle certain situations that law enforcement might not be properly trained to handle, like nonviolent mental health crises.

Besides giving law enforcement more tools and increasing trust through transparency and accountability, Rep Ortiz believes that we tackle crime by bringing down recidivism, the rate at which a prior offender re-commits crime and enters back into the criminal justice system. Colorado’s largest expenditure is putting people in cages. Rep Ortiz was proud to expand access to our Veteran Treatment Courts. For veterans that committed a nonviolent crime that can be traced back  to undiagnosed and/or untreated PTSD and mental health issues, plead guilty, but instead of going to jail they go on probation and remain out of jail as long as they meet certain gates around mental health treatment, peer to peer mentorship and more. Veteran Treatment Courts have the highest success rate of all specialized courts at 80% success. Rep Ortiz is proud to fight crime through combating recidivism and keeping our veterans out of jail with mental health treatment.

Rep David Ortiz has a proven track record on tackling crime holistically by ensuring law enforcement and DAs have the tools they need, promoting trust through transparency and accountability, and combat recidivism through successful programs that empower those that want to help themselves. 

In his first term, David has supported many measure to help reduce crime and recidivism in our state, including

On Small Businesses


 Small businesses give Littleton and Centennial its unique character and are the backbone of our economy here in HD38 and all Colorado. They are there for us when we want to have a relaxing breakfast downtown with our loved-ones, having a fun night out with our friends, or they help get us the supplies we need for our own businesses and work. 

Importantly, for many of us in HD38, they are supporting growing families and our children, giving us fulfilling jobs and economic stability. David will always have the back of our small businesses and is committed to doing everything he can to help them thrive and stay afloat during hard times.

In his first term, David has always sponsored and voted for legislation evening the playing field for small businesses, including

  • Cutting taxes for small businesses through the SALT Parity Act, keeping nearly $500 million of your hard-earned money in our State.

  • Investing $600 million to keep our unemployment insurance system solvent so small businesses aren’t on the hook for higher premiums.

  • Supported funding for the Community Revitalization Grant Program, providing millions of dollars to support businesses and families working on main street.

  • Supported modifying the Mainstreet Business Recovery Loan Program, making it easier for our small businesses to get the money they need to bounce back from the pandemic

On Service Members and Veterans


As a veteran who survived a catastrophic helicopter crash during his service, advocating for our veterans has always been a top priority for David. He began advocating for veterans at the Colorado Capitol back in 2017, and, now as a legislator, he has the honor of writing and passing the legislation himself. For David and many veterans, the transition back to civilian life is full of many challenges, which is why our the veteran community and our veteran service organizations are so critical in providing support. David is constantly working with members of our veteran community to lift their voices as the Capitol.

In his first term, David has helped our veterans by

  • Creating a $1.6 million Suicide Prevention program, providing no-cost, stigma-free behavioral health treatments for our veterans.

  • Provided grant funding for veteran-owned organizations to create mobile veteran-support units for rural and homeless veterans.

  • Established Veteran Hiring Preferences for veterans transition out of military services and into the workforce.

  • Making Veterans and Service Members a protected class against discrimination in the housing market.

  • Requiring institutions of higher education to permit veterans to audit courses, aiding them in their future careers.

  • Expanding access to our Veterans Treatment Courts for veterans that committed a nonviolent crime that can be traced back  to undiagnosed and/or untreated PTSD and mental health issues.


On Disability Rights

As the first person to use a wheelchair elected to the Colorado State Legislature, David has fundamentally changed the landscape and narrative at the Capitol. Because of him and his work, the Capitol and the House Chambers are now wheelchair accessible, and David has helped the Capitol pass the most groundbreaking disability rights legislation in decades. Expanding accessibility and disability rights is not only a personal matter for David, but it affects all of our lives. Making Colorado accessible opens the doors to new opportunities for everyone and allows us to keep doing what we love, even if we are temporarily or permanently disabled by an injury or accident.

In his first term, David passed first-in-the-nation disability rights laws, including

On Gun Safety


David did not survive combat only to sit idly by as gun violence continues to be an epidemic unique to the country which he sacrificed for and served. David has been working with and taking guidance from those that have been directly affected by gun violence including State Representative Tom Sullivan, national leaders such as Gabby Giffords, and those who work in her foundation, and most importantly our neighbors in HD38. David is dedicated to passing legislation that prevents gun violence, promotes gun safety, and promotes responsible gun ownership. Through this work, we will continue to build a greater coalition with those that have already been involved in the work, listen to those affected by the issues, and create impactful legislation. “I am, we are” is about empowering a coalition of individuals guided by a common cause. 

On Healthcare

Access to quality and affordable health care should be a right.

Going from a hard-charging, overachieving combat aviator to barely being able to sit up in bed was a hard transition for David after his crash. Even more difficult was going from near death and broken to living completely independently and working as an advocate for veterans and the disabled. David truly understands the critical importance of access to affordable and quality health care. Injuries and illnesses from a car accident, cancer, heart disease, and sports accidents can strike us or the ones we love at any moment. We all should have the opportunity to heal, recover, and live a meaningful and productive life without being crushed by debt and bankruptcy.

David will work with his constituents to make costs become more transparent, to ensure that mental health is treated the same as physical health, and look to expand Medicaid/Medicare for all - providing an affordable alternative to private insurance. This will allow all Coloradans to work and live with dignity and empower Coloradans to access quality healthcare to maintain and improve their health. This will also save the taxpayers money in unnecessary emergency room visits from events that could be prevented if access to care is provided earlier. Small businesses will also benefit, in that they wouldn't have to provide and pay for access to private insurance.

On Mental Health


During his recovery and rehabilitation after surviving a catastrophic helicopter crash on deployment to Afghanistan, the physical disability of paraplegia was NOT the most difficult obstacle to overcome. The most difficult obstacle to overcome in his recovery was the mental healthcare struggles that came with the injury. Mental healthcare is physical healthcare and healthcare is a basic human right!

In 2019, Colorado had the highest increase in teen suicide rate in the US since 2016. This is an issue that impacts our district in HD38, and in all districts across the state of Colorado.

David’s work in mental healthcare through his personal life, the veteran space, and in communities of those living with a disability will empower HD38 to tackle this issue and lead in a way that no other candidate can. David hopes to continue to work with others to remove the stigma that surrounds mental health illness and mental healthcare, leveraging his own lived experiences to further the cause. If elected, one of his first priorities is to continue to foster collaborative and cooperative endeavors between Colorado’s state institutions, K-12 schools, public higher education institutions, and nonprofits. Team Ortiz will always fight to find ways of fully funding impactful and effective programs and projects that improve mental healthcare across our great state of Colorado, and will never stop working hard to ensure that mental healthcare is treated in a similar way as physical healthcare.

On Environment


Whether it was cross country skiing after a fresh snowfall in the high mountain country Colorado has to offer or biking down the Platte River trail here in HD38, Colorado’s natural beauty and outdoor activities that gave David his life back after his crash, are second to none in this country, and worth protecting. Spaceship Earth will always be the best home humanity could ever hope for. David is dedicated to putting the health and sustainability of our environment and our citizens first.

Climate change is one of the most critical and time sensitive issues of our day. David believes it is not a partisan issue. It is one driven by health and wellness of our planet, economy, and the people that live on it. Climate change is also an issue of National Security. Having sacrificed so much in defense of this nation and its citizenry, David wants to make sure scarcity of resources are NOT one of the main reasons we send our youth to war. Renewable energy is the key to protecting our environment, our citizenry, and our National Security.

David believes Colorado can lead the way by fostering growth and innovation in the renewable energy industry. Let’s protect the environment, let’s keep our citizens safe and healthy, let’s develop jobs here in Colorado, let’s create patents that will benefit this state and nation. TABOR has already mandated millions of dollars in refunds to the Oil and Gas Industry in Colorado. David will be proactive and preemptive in facilitating the renewable energy industry through state tax incentives and possible rebates; not only for entrepreneurs and companies, but also for Coloradans that want to do their part by purchasing and installing personal household means of renewable energy.

An investment in our planet’s future, in our renewable industry, and in our citizens will yield huge returns in combating climate change, securing the health and welfare of our citizens, and securing our National Security and energy independence. 


On Worker’s Rights


 Just as our forefathers wanted to limit the concentration of power and promote compromise when founding our system of government; unions are a means of the worker to decentralize power and to negotiate for fair pay, better benefits, safer work environments, and better employment practices. They are not a detriment to the economy, rather the key to growing a healthy economy that works for all - strengthening the middle class.

On Gender Equity


We need to keep gaining ground on ensuring equal pay for equal work. We need to guarantee that insurance companies and all healthcare institutions are devoting the same amount of resources to women’s health as they are to men’s health. Women should always retain the basic human dignity and right of making decisions over their own bodies and health. 

Given the recent decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, it is incredibly important that we protect American women's bodily autonomy. Rep. Ortiz believes strongly in a woman’s constitutional right to choose and make decisions for herself and her body. The reversal of Roe v. Wade is evidence of the successful politicization of the Supreme Court by fundamentalists and we have to do everything we can to protect a woman’s right to choose and have access to reproductive choice. Already, at the state Capitol, David has worked with his fellow legislators to pass the Reproductive Health Equity Act (RHEA), staying up until 4am when RHEA was heard in his committee and then enduring a 26-hour debate on the House Floor to ensure the bill was passed. You better believe that David will continue to fight for your rights if re-elected.