Colorado Laws for Persons with Disabilities
Despite being passed in 1990, enforcement of the Americans with Disability Act have yet to be extended to Colorado’s public agencies. HB21-1110 adds language to strengthen current Colorado law related to protections against discrimination on the basis of ability. Coloradans with a disability will now be guaranteed access to all public services offered in our state, from mass transit to state-run websites. And HB21-1110 will introduce new tools for advocates to combat discriminatory policies, including the wherewithal to sue in state courts.
Accessibility is non-negotiable. This legislation is a crucial step in creating a Colorado that works for every Coloradan.
Veterans' Hiring Preference
Our service members have born the brunt of 20+ years of combat deployments. Higher rates of temporary or permanent disability, lack of understanding of the skillsets that veterans bring to the table by hiring managers, and more lead to veterans in transition from military service to civilian life having much higher rates of employment than their civilian counterparts So long as a veteran, surviving spouse of a service member killed in service, or member of the National Guard are as qualified as other applicants, HB21-1065 creates a statutory basis to allow a private employer to give preference to these individuals when hiring a new employee.
Restoration of Honor Act
As a former service member of the US Army, I know firsthand the dedication and love of country behind a commitment to serve. And as an LGBTQ veteran, I know that honor and patriotism is not any different based on one’s sexual orientation. In granting state veteran benefits to those wrongfully discharged under Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, the Colorado Restoration of Honor Act, acknowledges this fact. It’s a first step towards overturning a long overdue injustice.
Lost or Stolen Firearms
Isabella Joy Thallas Act
This bill requires the owner of a firearm who has reasonable cause to believe the firearm was lost or stolen to report to a law enforcement agency that the firearm has been lost or stolen within 5 days of making the discovery. Failure to report a lost or stolen firearm is a civil infraction punishable by a $25 fine. A second or subsequent offense is an unclassified misdemeanor punishable by a maximum fine of $500.
Safe Storage Of Firearms
This bill requires firearm owners to securely store their firearms, requires federally licensed gun dealers to provide a locking device with each sale or transfer or a firearm, and requires the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to provide the public with information on safe storage on its website and in other materials, as discussed further below.
Higher Education Student Financial Assistance Funding
The passage of this legislation works to protect student financial aid assistance during our current economic downturn. It ensures that colleges aren’t jeopardizing the education of tens of thousands of low-income students. In a time when students and families need it most, SB21-083 provides support, security, and a commitment to equal opportunity for all.
Purple Heart Recipient Free State Park Access
In granting free access to our state parks for recipients of one of our nation’s highest honors, the Purple Heart, HB21-1116 is a small step in honoring those who sacrificed themselves in service to our country.
Department of Corrections Offender Identification Assistance Program
For far too long in our state, Coloradans leaving the criminal justice system were left with no real resources to reintegrate into daily life. Without providing formerly incarcerated persons easy access to necessities like drivers licenses, we have continually hurt their ability to safely re-enter society. SB21-153 assists those exiting the carceral system in obtaining state-issued identification. In doing so, it knocks down barriers to accessing salaried jobs, adequate housing, and real financial stability. It a crucial step in allowing formerly incarcerated Coloradans to thrive.
Prohibit Discrimination Organ Transplant Recipient
Despite being technically illegal under ADA statutes, many hospitals and insurers are unlikely to face consequential action for the refusal of an organ transplant to those with disabilities. HB21-1169 mandates that an individual’s disability alone cannot disqualify them from consideration as an organ transplant recipient by a hospital or negatively impact their status on a hospital’s waitlist. The bill similarly prevents patients’ insurance agencies from citing their disability as their reason for the denial of coverage for an organ transplant.
We Are…
The Voice of HD38

Team Ortiz Constituent Policy Committees
I want to hear from my constituents, not lobbyists, on what issues matter most to HD38. The Team Ortiz volunteer constituent policy committees aim to bring the people of HD38 into the lawmaking process. This in-house local think tank will conduct in-depth analysis on actual legislation as it comes before the house floor, offer recommendations, and discuss future bill ideas. Each committee will focus on legislation specific to its realm of interest, to apply to join follow the links below.
Healthcare & Disability Issues
We believe that our healthcare system should work to provide quality, affordable, and equitable care for every Coloradan. From mental healthcare, to reproductive rights, to low-cost prescription drugs--our goal is to break down barriers to access. Join us to be a voice for our community at the state capitol!
Housing & Economics
In the Housing & Economics Committee, we focus on a broad range issues, from housing security to consumer data protection, state budgeting to unemployment (just to list a few!). Join us to engage with all related subjects that are presented by both our state legislature and our community.
Education & Workforce Development
This committee aims to serve the educational and workforce needs of all constituents in House District 38 by examining issues like public education, apprenticeship programs, and unemployment in Colorado. Join us on the first Monday of every month!
Green Energy & Environment
We care about the environment of Colorado and changing our behavior to stop the worst of climate change. This committee has its eyes set on a form of carbon pricing, TABOR reform to make it possible, and banning the use of plastics. Help us repair our ecosystem!